Deep Fried Screams: Workshop Series


Instant access to the pre-recorded Workshop 1


Join us live for Workshop 2:

Oct. 10th at 19:00 CET Online via Zoom


Unleash Your FryScreams with Creaking 


Develop brutal screams so you can let it all out and express yourself, make awesome vocal covers, watch your friends' jaws hit the floor at metal karaoke night, record vocals for your own songs, or be in a band.


Add another type of scream, (or your first!) to your vocal palette that you use to express yourself. 


The Second Workshop Starts in:









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Great! Where do I sign up?

For you if you are done struggling with any of these:


  • Having no clue how to get started with your screams  


  • Pain/hoarseness when you try to scream 


  • Longing for sick screams, but scared of hurting your voice 


  • Stuck in a creaking that sounds nothing like a scream 


  • Screams that sound weak or not screamy enough 


  • Losing the scream or not being able to use it for lyrics 

Instead you can get sizzling, crunchy, vicious, fryscreams.


That SOUND like you’re screaming with your vocal cords dunked in a deep fryer,


- but FEEL 100% comfortable and are healthy and sustainable af. 


Here’s what you will learn: 


  • How to find the basic technique that fryscreams are built of 
  • How to develop it so it actually sounds like a scream 
  • How to make it healthy and pain-free
  • How to keep your voice healthy and avoid vocal damage 
  • How to scream lyrics, without losing the scream

Instant Access to the Recording of Workshop 1:

Find your Feral FryScream


In this workshop I show you exactly how to find your fryscream, and take you through the whole process of developing them.

This workshop was live on October 3rd, and you can get instant access to the recording. 

In addition you can join us live for Workshop 2: The Feral Fryscream Masterclass. đŸ–€

Online Workshop 2:

Feral FryScream Masterclass

October 10th 2024


The second workshop is actually a Masterclass where I will coach volunteers, and help you implement what I taught you in the first part of the workshop. 😀

 You’ll get the chance to volunteer for coaching, if you want to, as well as ask me questions. 

Even if you don’t get selected for vocal coaching, you’re gonna learn so much from watching others get coaching. People usually struggle with similar things.

What exactly is a fryscream?


This is a guess, but I think that the term “fryscream” came from the sound of certain extreme vocals reminding someone of the sound you get when you deep fry something.


That sizzling you get when you dunk a battered chicken leg in boiling oil.


Creaking is the technique that I hear in what most people would refer to as a “fryscream”, because it gives you that sizzling deep fry-sound in your screams when you know how to make it screamy  - and this is what the workshop is on. : )


Finding your creaking and using it for screams : )


You MAY have heard different definitions of FryScreams: 


“FryScream” is not a term that comes from research on vocals - it’s a term used by a lot of metalheads to describe certain types of extreme vocal sounds. đŸŽ¶


Because of this, the term “FryScream” has been used about many completely different screams - that don’t use the same vocal techniques to create their sound.


SO: You might have a different definition of a “fryscream” than I do - and that’s fine. 😊


BUT: because of that - it’s important that you check out the sound examples on this page, so you can find out if this is a type of scream you’re interested in learning. : )


You don’t have to want to sound exactly like me, but you should check that it’s in the ballpark of what you’d like. đŸ–€


The technique I’ll be teaching in my workshop is called creaking (in addition to being called fryscream by many), and how to do extreme vocals with this specific vocal technique.  đŸŽ¶


"Creaking" is a term that comes from the research on the voice done by Complete Vocal Institute.


Complete Vocal Technique has a standardized language for vocals where every term means one thing, and is attached to only one specific vocal technique.


(Complete Vocal Technique is the method I’m an authorized vocal teacher in. ) 

Deep Fried Screams Workshop Series

69 Euros

You get:

  • Instant access to the recording of Workshop 1: Feral Fryscreams Process 
  • Workshop 2: Feral Fryscreams Masterclass Oct. 10th
  • The chance to volunteer for coaching and ask questions
  • The recording of each workshop, that you can practice with 
  • Help developing your own sick fryscreams 

This will (most likely) be the only time I will do this workshop series. 



 If you buy it now, then you will get the recording of both workshops, so you can watch them when you have time. 


I am planning on making the recordings of the workshops available for sale for anyone who didn’t sign up for the live-version. 


BUT: It’s going to take some time before I’m able to do that, probably some time next year. And I might have to raise the price. 

So if you want to learn fryscreams, I would sign up now : ) 

Do you want me to be your vocal coach?


My name is Katarina, I help metal heads learn the vocals they want from scratch. 

When I was a teenager I loved singing, but what I really longed for was to growl and scream as well.  

Finding singing teachers was easy, but finding someone who could teach me extreme vocals was much harder.  

I didn't think metalheads had enough vocal coaches, so I became one myself, (authorized CVT-teacher) after studying Complete Vocal Technique for 5 years. Graduated in 2018, teaching metalheads to sing and scream since 2016.Â